What do you do on a day to day basis?

I manage my own IT company.

How long have you been volunteering for?

I didn't do any before TBTT

When did you join TBTT?

July 2021

What roles did you play in TBTT?

Ensuring the entry of spectators to matches, organizing charity tournaments, TLO (Team Liaison officer, i.e. accompanying foreign teams to FRF events), volunteer coordinator at a cycling event organized in Bucharest.

Radu Stoian

42 y.o.

IT manager

I really wanted to keep in touch with the team I was part of at Euro 2020. I have met many people in my life, both here and abroad, I can say that I worked for the biggest IT companies in the world but I have never met wonderful people like those from Euro 2020. All events have a special charm and the fact that regardless of the requirements we know that we can rely on each other and we always find the optimal solution to achieve the goals completely eliminates stress. To work only under time pressure but without stress is an extremely important element. I love this team and I will always respond positively to any action taken by this group when time permits.

For me this team meant a professional reconversion as Diana Pirciu opened my eyes and this brought me new satisfactions and goals to achieve. And together with you I am sure that I will succeed.