What do you do on a day to day basis?

Student at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest

When did you join TBTT?

September 2021

Where have you volunteered in the past?

Euro 2020, Events made by FRF, L'Etape Romania by Tour de France

What roles did you play in TBTT?

I can't say that I had only one role, I had different roles such as VIP WELCOMING, Ticketing Accreditation.

Andrei Toma

21 y.o.


My story with TBTT starts from EURO 2020, where I met a lot of wonderful people, willing to help you regardless of the problem. From this event I remained friends with many people, of different ages, because that's what TBTT means, a team made up of people of all ages and with whom you can interact as if you were alșl the same age. After EURO 2020, the events of the FRF followed, where a team full of amazing volunteers wanting to do their best for any upcoming event came to life, the TBTT. We wanted all events of the National Team to be a success. 

Thank you for all the memories created and thank you for the ones to come!